Wednesday 29 October 2014

Another skirt and top

This is the first skirt I have made in a knit.  It is a slub Pointe, 86 % polyester. 10 % rayon and 4% spandex,. It is not a solid black, there is a hint of texture, I expect that comes from the rayon.  It is lined with a stretch knit lining, very simple this time, though I did add black lace to the hem.  I had to put in a regular zip as I was unable to get a  invisible. black one.  This is the forth time I have used this skirt pattern and I am getting more confident every time.

The top is my basic T. I did lengthen the sleeves to a full 3/4. Yes, I had to spend time laying out the pattern. I'm also getting better with the neck binding. I used the double needle to top stitch around to hold in place.  As 'they' say practice makes perfect., I also used the double needle to finish the sleeve and top hems. I did use fusible interfacing to add stability and to prevent it stretchering.  Get to wear it tomorrow

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Top for a skirt.

After a weekend away, I needed a little time in the sewing room.  I had started this top last week but after the first fitting, it needed some adjustments.  It's funny, I used the same pattern as the grey top, but this one turned out larger.  I had to reset the sleeves and then I nipped in the sides. The whole binding on the neck had to be re done as it didn't lay flat, it gaped.  I took out about 4" of trim!  I  had watched video from Threads.
which had given me a better idea as to how I should measure my neckline. It worked very well.  I have used the double needle to do the top stitching on the sleeves, neck and bottom hems.  I now have one top that can be worn with this rust skirt.  It has been so hard to find something suitable.
Black makes me look so colourless.  



This is something that is in my stash.  It is a jersey knit, like the grey one. I'm liking the angle drape best.  Not so sure about eyebrows or smiles. Sleeves will be a challenge they will have to match. Time to play tomorrow.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Border Print Top

Too many things going on and with the return of my outside activities, my sewing projects have taken a back seat.  As the weather has turned a little cooler and I am retuning to pants, I needed a new top.  This is a double border print in an Aztec design. I spent more time cutting it out than I did in the sewing. I wanted to make sure there were not any inappropriate bull's eye on the front.  The centre  line was critical too. A pair of black dots mark the spot. I have  tweaked my  basic pattern, just a small dart in the sleeve armcycle, both back and front, on the paper pattern. Much happier with the result.

Right Side                                      

Left Side with Sleeve
Left Side
Neck Line. Both sleeves are identical.  And the front matches the back.    

Sunday 31 August 2014

Denim Skirt re make

This is the skirt I made earlier this Summer. I was very pleased with it but after a couple of wearing, I felt the waistband was too tight, it wasn't comfortable plus the band was too high.
 Knowing that if I did any changes, I would leave marks when any of the seams were removed. Should I - shouldn't I. I jumped in the deep end, took of the waistband and removed the back darts. Working with steam, a damp cloth, a "ham" and pins. I started pressing. At first, I just pressed the dart over the ham. While the fabric was still damp I stretch it and held the area  taught with pins and pressed again. After I had released the pins I continued to stretch the damp fabric. That helped pull the white denim threads back into place.                 With caution I trimmed the front then  I cut a new curved facing type waistband.

I really pleased with the results.
Its very comfortable and rides lower on my hips.
I've come to the conclusion, its better to do a re-sew than have someting that is taking up closet space and not being worn.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Skirting Around.

I have to make a dress grey skirt but before I start I thought I would do a couple of trail runs. The pattern is my own with the waist band from New Look 6017. No pockets with a back zip. Fully lined.  The  black/grey mixture fabric is a denim with spandex (The colour shown not very good). For flash, the lining is bright red! I did cut it on the bias to give it some ease as I sit.

On the second one I was able to smooth out the hip/waist line. Just a little tuck about 3/4".  This the same pattern in a taupe/cream mix. Bias cut lining which you can see I went over the top. Something that was hiding in my stash for many years. I will use any fabric that is slippery as lining.  First time around this giraffe print fabric lined a Traveling Jacket, one that had lots of hidden pockets and zips.
I know now that  I only need .75 mt x 130cm for a straight skirt for myself.  No more leftovers!

Thursday 14 August 2014

More Tees

I made this tee a few weeks ago. I'm not totally happy with it.  I find the neck just a bit low to what I am used to wearing. So as Summer is passing along I thought I would have one more try.
This tee went well. As my serger is in the shop, I had to do  all the interior work with my regular machine.  That turned out very well too.  I still not sure about the neck line.  I do like the raglen sleeve.  

Sunday 10 August 2014

Mustard Tee 2

This a mustard coloured tee I made a few weeks ago.  Looked good on Rosie but I was not too happy when after I had worn it once.  So I decided to change a couple of things.
It was too plain and it felt more like  a Fall colour.  So I took it all apart and made this one.
I had a small amount of a crimped woven fabric which I pressed out the crimping. The colours matched really well. I was able to cut it out on an approx  20%  bias which went well around the neck line.  The sleeves were a bit more of a challenge but I did manage it in the end.The sleeves end at the elbow and after the 3rd attempt, the  sleeve now  moves easily when I bend my arm.  I not totally happy with the sleeve and front .  It looks great on Rosie but I put it on, I get some wrinkles where the sleeve meets the front .  I think I need to adjust the armsycle on the front and reduce it.  Now I will have to make  a skirt to go with the Fall colour.  Fabric store here I come!

Friday 8 August 2014

Larger than life!

Note to self: Do not leave scarey things out side the bedroom door so it is the first thing you see when you open the door heading for the bathroom!

Dora needed a neck shield. Little ones could look up and see the neck of the person wearing the costume and could spoil the illusion.  (There is a helmet inside the head which supports and takes the weight of Dora's head,  it does not rest on the shoulders.) 
 So it was decided to attached some form of neck/collar "dickie".  I had some swimsuit lining which costume makers use as flesh tones  for figure skaters and dancers to denote bare skin but still has substance and support for their performance costumes.

I measured the diameter of Dora's 'neck', approximately 38"  I cut the fabric , a rectangle 38"x13". The seam was set at the back and quartered to the sides and front.   The rest was hand work.  Dora is ridged and soft. I had to use a small upholstery curved needle to sew the shield to the inside edge. When the head is in place the shield falls on to the shoulders and can actually go over the shoulders.
I will have to do some final adjustments when I fit it with the rest of the costume.  Dora's off to her first parade on Saturday. 

Sunday 27 July 2014

Long Scarf Answer

This is the scarf Dr Who (Tom Baker was the 4th Dr,) made famous.
I tweaked the pattern on the  one I made.
 I wasn't able to get DB knitting yarn, that's a #3 in Canada, from Mary Maxim in all the colours I wanted, so the yarn I used was a little heavier, #4.  My first attempt was the size of a lap blanket! 60 stitches in garter stitch. Next effort was 40 stitches and garter stitch again. And again I frogged it.
I was having my truck serviced at the time, sitting in the local Ford dealership. I can't imagined what the staff must have thought as this women who sat in the new showroom (The new service waiting room is claustrophobic and hasn't any windows) who knitted for a while then pulled it apart only to start again.
 My third attempt was 40 stitches and K1,P1 rib.  That worked much better.  It was an easy knit, just following the colour chart and as I was using a heavier yarn I reduced each block of colour by 2 rows.
The final length was just over 13' with out the tassels so I did have to reduce the length by approx 22".  There are all 7 colors in each of the tassels. I didn't have to block it as it was an acrylic yarn. Lots of tails to weave in along the one side. I only made it on condition that it would be worn. Let's hope it keeps him warm and he doesn't trip over it. The things mothers do.

There more than enough yarn to make a second scarf. The colour order would be different and the joining of two colours would be be smother too as I have found a better way. It's called a fisherman's knot.
Now that's out the way I can continue with my denim blue sweater.  Have to learn the pattern again!

Friday 25 July 2014

Seeing Double.

Yes you have seen this top before.While it was on Rosie, everything was fine but when I put it on, trying to keep the V central was a challenge. Rework was the order of the evening so my top now has a round neck and is an 1" + shorter. 
Do you know what this is? Who wore it? and when?  Not Isadora Duncan, hers where made of silk.
I'll give the answer in the next post.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Latest Tee

This my basic Tee pattern using 2 types of fabric.  Mainly leftovers from two other tees.  The challenge was getting the front diagonal line to lay under the bust. I had wanted more curvature from the neck and across the body but I played cautious with the V.
Several years ago I bought the Wild Ginger Software.
I have both the Pattern Master 'Curves' and 'Boutique' version 3 upgraded, they are a little dated, and I see newer version are  available.   About once a year I have Jac  redo my measurements, parts are still shifting south so basic patterns need a little tweaking.
Rosie, my model, is such an asset too when sewing for my self.  She makes life easy.  Never grumbles, always there and ready for anything I need to pin in/on her.

Monday 21 July 2014

Getting started again.

Something small to get my feet wet.
I spent the long winter feeding the birds.  This was the first time I have ever taken the time to do this and it was most rewarding. Of course the squirrels were also beneficiary's of my full feeders. The summer results of their dropped seeds is a wonderful display of sunflowers. This was the first one that bloomed a few weeks ago but there are several more to take its place. Knowing how tall sunflowers can grow I am not surprised to have one that has to be over 6' high. It will be interesting to see if the birds like their food straight from the source.